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Build your own vision for children’s health by seeing what £3 billion a year from a new levy on the food industry can fund!

A new industry levy on salt and sugar in our food and drink would not only get companies to make products healthier, it could raise up to £3 billion a year.

What if the Government chose to invest ‘every penny’ of this extra money on improving children’s health and increasing access to fruit, vegetables and healthier food?

Our Recipe for Change coalition has a whole menu of options for how the Government could invest this money.

How would you like to see this money spent? Use our interactive menu to choose the programmes you’d most like to see funded.

Recipe for Change’s principles for spending money from food levies

Here are some principles that our Recipe for Change coalition thinks are important ingredients for making decisions on how money from food levies should be spent.

Don’t fancy anything on the menu? Take a look at what else the chef recommends…

Other spending options

How has the revenue from the Soft Drinks Industry Levy been spent?

SDIL revenue spend

How much money could a new levy raise?

What a new levy could raise

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Organisations - be a part of a Recipe for Change

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We are calling for an industry levy to help make food healthier.

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